
There are two ways of configuring Perseo CEP:

  • The default Basic Configuration is read from the config.js file in the root of the project folder.
  • Some pieces of configuration can be overriden using environment variables, as it is explained in the following section.

Environment Variables Configuration

The following table shows the environment variables available for Perseo configuration:

Environment variable Description
PERSEO_ENDPOINT_HOST Host where the CEP will listen.
PERSEO_ENDPOINT_PORT Port where the CEP will listen.
PERSEO_MONGO_ENDPOINT Endpoint (host[:port]) list for Mongo DB.
PERSEO_MONGO_REPLICASET ReplicaSet name for Mongo DB.
PERSEO_MONGO_AUTH_SOURCE The database name associated with the user's credentials for Mongo DB. More info here.
PERSEO_IS_MASTER true if this one is the master or false it is the slave
PERSEO_SLAVE_DELAY Slave's delay to try to execute an action (milliseconds).
PERSEO_CORE_URL Full URL where Perseo Core is listening (e.g:
PERSEO_NEXT_URL Full URL where Perseo Core replicated node is listening. Same format as above.
PERSEO_ORION_URL Full URL of the Orion Context Broker (e.g:
PERSEO_PEP_URL Full URL of the Pep (Context Broker) (e.g: This URL will be used instead of PERSEO_ORION_URL when updateAction rule has set a non empty value for service and subservice.
PERSEO_SMTP_HOST Host of the SMTP server
PERSEO_SMTP_PORT Port of the SMTP server
PERSEO_SMTP_SECURE true if SSL should be used with the SMTP server
PERSEO_SMTP_AUTH_USER Authentication data, the username
PERSEO_SMTP_AUTH_PASS Authentication data, the password for the user
PERSEO_SMTP_TLS_REJECTUNAUTHORIZED Reject if unauthorized security is found (i.e. selfsigned certificates). Default is false.
PERSEO_SMS_URL URL for sending SMSs (SMPP Adapter)
PERSEO_SMS_API_KEY API KEY for sending SMSs, if necessary. Only for the SMPP Adapter simulator
PERSEO_SMS_API_SECRET API SECRET for sending SMSs, if necessary. Only for the SMPP Adapter simulator
PERSEO_SMS_FROM Field from for the outgoing SMSs. Required by the SMPP Adapter
PERSEO_SMPP_HOST Host of the SMPP server
PERSEO_SMPP_PORT Port of the SMPP server
PERSEO_SMPP_SYSTEMID SystemID for the user of the SMPP server
PERSEO_SMPP_PASSWORD Password for the user of the SMPP server
PERSEO_SMPP_FROM Number from SMS are sending by SMPP server
PERSEO_SMPP_ENABLED SMPP is default method for SMS instead of use SMS gateway
PERSEO_NOTICES_PATH Path for incoming notices, default value '/notices'
PERSEO_RULES_PATH Path for incoming rules, default value '/rules'
PERSEO_CAST_TYPE Maximum number of rule executions triggered by the same notification (with the same correlator) until refuse execute a rule. Default is 20. See loop detection tips
PERSEO_MAX_RULES_BY_CORR If true, enable attribute value casting based in NGSI-v2 attribute types if true. If false (default), the JSON native type for the attribute value is used.
PERSEO_CHECK_NON_SIGNAL_BY_API If false, the entities will be directly find using MongoDB, if true they will be fing using NGSIv2 API(*)

(*)Although the idea is that now Perseo works always using NGSIv2 API to check times for non signal rules, this setting has been introduced to ease a potential rollback if some problem is found with this new approach. Thus, I has to be considered a kind of temporal debugging settings, to be removed when we get confident with the new functionality, thus you should use it with care.

Basic Configuration

In order to have perseo running, there are several basic pieces of information to fill:

  • config.logLevel: level for log messages (FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO or DEBUG)
  • config.perseoCore.rulesURL: URL for management of EPL rules at core.
  • config.perseoCore.noticesURL: URL for processing events at core rule engine.
  • config.perseoCore.interval: interval for refreshing rules at core rule engine (milliseconds).
  • config.smtp.port: port for sending email.
  • host for sending email.
  • defines if the connection should use SSL (if true) or not (if false).
  • config.smtp.auth.user: authentication data, the username.
  • config.smtp.auth.pass: authentication data, the password for the user.
  • config.smtp.tls.rejectUnauthorized: reject if unauthorized security is found (i.e. selfsigned certificates). Default is false.
  • config.sms.URL: URL for sending SMSs.
  • config.sms.from: Field from for the outgoing SMSs. Required by the SMPP Adapter.
  • config.sms.API_KEY: API KEY for sending SMSs, if necessary. Only for the SMPP Adapter simulator.
  • config.sms.API_SECRET: API SECRET for sending SMSs, if necessary. Only for the SMPP Adapter simulator.
  • Host of the SMPP server.
  • config.smpp.port: Port of the SMPP server.
  • config.smpp.systemid: SystemID for the user of the SMPP server
  • config.smpp.password: Password for the user of the SMPP server
  • config.smpp.from: Number from SMS are sending by SMPP server
  • config.smpp.enabled: SMPP is default method for SMS instead of use SMS gateway.
  • config.orion.URL: Context Broker base URL, e.g.
  • config.mongo.URL: URL for connecting mongoDB.
  • config.executionsTTL: Time-To-Live for documents of action executions (seconds).
  • config.checkDB.delay: Number of milliseconds to check DB connection (see database aspects documentation for mode detail).
  • config.checkDB.reconnectTries: Number of attempts to reconnect (see database aspects documentation for mode detail).
  • config.checkDB.reconnectInterval: Number of milliseconds to wait between attempts to reconnect (see database aspects documentation for mode detail).
  • config.checkDB.bufferMaxEntries: Number of operations buffered up before giving up on getting a working connection (see database aspects documentation for mode detail).
  • config.maxRulesByCorr: Maximum number of rule executions triggered by the same notification (with the same correlator) until refuse execute a rule. Defualt is 20
  • config.nonSignalByAPI: Flag value, determine the use of the NGSIv2 API or MongoDB. By default is false.

Options for HA:

  • config.isMaster: true if this one is the master or false it is the slave.
  • config.slaveDelay: Slave's delay to try to execute an action (milliseconds).
  • config.nextCore.rulesURL: URL for management of EPL rules at replicated core. If set, the rules will be propagated to that one also.
  • config.nextCore.noticesURL: URL for processing events at replicated core rule engine. If set, the events will be propagated to that one also.

Options for Authentication through PEP (for update action) in the configTrust.js file:

  •[].host: host (keyStone) to exchange tokens for access tokens
  •[].port: port, (keyStone) to exchange tokens for access tokens
  •[].id: id of trust to use in update action rule
  •[].user: provisioned user for trust in Keystone
  •[].password: provisioned password for trust in Keystone
  •[].service: provisioned service for trust in Keystone

Options for NGSI (for update action) - config.castTypes: cast or not attribute values to expected type conform NGSI-v2 (false by default)

URL format for mongoDB could be found at